American Locations 17 – West Thumb Geyser & Grand Prismatic Spring

We took this trip to Yellowstone and surrounding areas in the summer of 2019.

From Artist Point in the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone we drove south on Grand Loop Road Hwy. 20, which we took south along the west shore of Yellowstone Lake. We stopped at a scenic overlook.

We continued along the lake to West Thumb Geyser. Which is on the edge of Yellowstone Lake.

Some geysers are actually out in the lake. There is a good story about Fishing Cone. Supposedly, people used to boil the fish they caught in this geyser. A grain of salt, you know.

Finished, we ate lunch in the parking lot before we continued. We turned northwest onto Hwy. 191, which climbed high into the mountains. We crossed the Continental Divide at an elevation of 8,391 feet. We continued through the mountains until we crossed it again, this time at 8,262 feet. We stopped here to see Ise Lake. This small lake straddled the Divide, so it drains both ways at either end, which made it unique.

We continued this beautiful drive through the mountains to Kepler Cascade.

We continued on Hwy. 191 past the Old Faithful area to Grand Basin, which was on the Firehole River.

We parked and hiked over along yet another boardwalk.

And up a hill to a good overlook of Grand Prismatic Spring.

We were so tired by this point, and the area was so crowded, that we decided to wait until tomorrow to see Grand Prismatic Spring upclose. So we hiked down from the overlook back to our motor home and drove back to Canyon Village for showers (they were free for registered campers, and really nice). Then we went back to our site. Late that afternoon and that night it rained, the first bad weather of our trip.

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