American Locations 15 – The Rest of the Grand Loop

We took this trip to Yellowstone and surrounding areas in the summer of 2019.

Once finished hiking around Mammoth Hot Springs, we stopped by the visitor center.

We then followed Hwy. 89 north out of Wyoming into Montana all the way to the northwest entrance.

And on outside the park to see the little town of Gardiner.

We drove south on Hwy. 89 back into the park back to Mammoth Hot Springs, where we turned southeast on the Grand Loop Road. We stopped to see Undine Falls.

We made another stop to see the petrified tree.

At Tower Junction we turned onto Hwy. 212 and stopped at a picnic area on the Yellowstone River to eat lunch and take a nap. All this high-altitude hiking is exhausting.

Recharged, we drove off Hwy. 212 and back onto Grand Loop Road to continue south. Our next stop was at Calcite Spring.

We stopped next at Tower Falls.

Then on to Mt. Washburn.

That was our last stop. We drove the short distance from Mt. Washburn to our campground and crashed at our site for the rest of the day.

Next Location – Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone Pt. 2

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