American Locations 16 – Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone Pt. 2

We took this trip to Yellowstone and surrounding areas in the summer of 2019.

Just outside the campground the next morning we saw an elk.

On Monday we had explored the north side of the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, so today we drove around to see the south side. Our first stop took us to the Upper Falls overlook on the South Rim.

We then drove on to Artist Point.

We got someone to snap our picture.

I hiked a good portion of the Rim Trail.

It descended a bit, kickback after kickback.

But the trail mostly kept you on the Rim as you approached the Upper Falls.

While also offering views the other way down the canyon.

I got pretty close.

Then hiked back to Artist Point.

Next Location – West Thumb Geyser

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