American Locations 18 – Grand Basin Pt. 2

We took this trip to Yellowstone and surrounding areas in the summer of 2019.

The next morning we drove straight to Grand Prismatic Spring in order to get there before it got overcrowded. Good idea, there wasn’t much of a crowd. Bad idea, but there wasn’t much to see. A heavy early morning fog was too dense to see much of anything.

So we drove on to Old Faithful Lodge. We hadn’t taken the time to see it before, so now we did.

Then we got out on the boardwalk and saw the other half of the Grand Basin we had been too tired to finish seeing before.

All the steaming water runs off into Firehole River.

This little geyser was going off.

This one was a little bigger.

This one even bigger. More were erupting than on the day we’d been out here before.

Next Location – Grand Basin Pt. 3

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